Historical snow depth per month in Slovenia
Below you can see the historical average snow depth for different months for ski resorts in Slovenia. The period we show the snow depth is from year 2019 until now.You can switch to another country or area by clicking on the "Change country/area" button below. Click on the name of the ski resort to see more detailed information by month and year. Note that we only show the ski resorts where we have data from back to year 2019. If you want to see current snow depth at the ski resorts in Slovenia, you can find it here.
Click on any of the months to sort the table by highest average snow depth for that month. We show the months January to June by default, you can show July to December by clicking the button.
Ski resort | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Bohinj | 92 cm | 117 cm | 145 cm | 121 cm | 210 cm | |
Cerkno | 63 cm | 66 cm | 53 cm | |||
Kranjska Gora | 38 cm | 50 cm | 47 cm | |||
Krvavec | 58 cm | 68 cm | 67 cm | 63 cm | 63 cm | |
Mariborsko Pohorje (Maribor) | 55 cm | 63 cm | 39 cm | 50 cm | ||
Rogla | 65 cm | 77 cm | 58 cm | 47 cm |