Ski resorts close to Maribor, Slovenia
Below you will find the ski resorts that are closest to Maribor as well as the distance. The closest ski resort to Maribor is Mariborsko Pohorje (Maribor) and the distance is 4 km. You can also view driving and route descriptions to each ski resort from Maribor. Note that the distance given is by air and the distance by road is longer.
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Maribor's 30 closest ski resorts and distance
Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort | Distance by air |
Driving directions and time |
Mariborsko Pohorje (Maribor) | 4 km | |
Rogla | 27 km | |
Zagreb (Mount Sljeme) | 76 km | |
Krvavec | 91 km | |
Bled | 119 km | |
Semmering | 121 km | |
Lachtal | 124 km | |
Cerkno | 130 km | |
Kreischberg | 133 km | |
Gerlitzen | 133 km | |
Bohinj | 134 km | |
Turracher Höhe | 141 km | |
Vogel | 142 km | |
Kranjska Gora | 143 km | |
Bad Kleinkirchheim | 144 km | |
Annaberg | 148 km | |
Platak | 151 km | |
Bjelolasica | 153 km | |
Tarvisio | 158 km | |
Bovec | 163 km | |
Katschberg-Aineck | 164 km | |
Tauplitz | 167 km | |
Sella Nevea | 167 km | |
Hinterstoder | 170 km | |
Hauser Kaibling | 170 km | |
Nassfeld Hermagor | 174 km | |
Schladming | 175 km | |
Obertauern | 177 km | |
Zauchensee | 185 km | |
Filzmoos | 188 km |
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.