If you are planning to go on a ski holiday to Vogel you will here find both information about the ski system in Vogel, as well as everything you need to book for a ski trip here.

Airports close to Vogel

The fastest way to get to Vogel is normally by plane, unless you don't live nearby. The airport Brnik, Ljubljana is only 47 kilometers from Vogel, which is an advantage as there are more transfer options and the travel time is shorter. It is also possible to fly to the airports Kärnten, Klagenfurt, which is 57 kilometers away, and Treviso Airport, which has a distance of 144 kilometers from Vogel.

Closest ski resorts to Vogel

Just nearby, with a distance of 9 kilometers from Vogel, you will find Bohinj. Other nearby ski resorts are Cerkno (19 kilometers) and Bled (24 kilometers).


There are 5 restaurants in Vogel with 3 different types of kitchens, the most popular being European, Slovenian and Central European.

Hotel & accommodations

Here you will find in total 21 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Vogel.
Accommodation with unknown number of stars
16 options
Price/night from:
50 EUR
Accommodation with 2 starsAccommodation with 2 stars
One option
Price/night from:
42 EUR
Accommodation with 3 starsAccommodation with 3 starsAccommodation with 3 stars
3 options
Price/night from:
48 EUR
Accommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 stars
One option
Price/night from:
57 EUR