Book in Bovec
The ski resort Bovec is located in Slovenia, and if you are interested in going here, you will find the information you are looking for here.
In Bovec there are in total 5 ski lifts that serve 7 pistes.
In Bovec there are in total 5 ski lifts that serve 7 pistes.
Airports close to Bovec
If you want to fly to Bovec the closest airport is Kärnten, Klagenfurt, with a distance of 71 kilometers from the ski resort. It is also possible to fly to the airports Brnik, Ljubljana, which is 71 kilometers away, and Treviso Airport, which has a distance of 128 kilometers from Bovec.Closest ski resorts to Bovec
Just nearby, with a distance of 8 kilometers from Bovec, you will find Sella Nevea. Close by you also find the ski resorts Tarvisio at a distance of 19 kilometers, and Vogel, 24 kilometers from Bovec.Restaurants
There are 20 restaurants in Bovec with 16 different types of kitchens, the most popular being European, Slovenian and Central European.Hotel & accommodations
Here you will find in total 279 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Bovec.206 options
Price/night from:
40 EUR
40 EUR
2 options
Price/night from:
12 options
Price/night from:
38 EUR
38 EUR
51 options
Price/night from:
37 EUR
37 EUR
8 options
Price/night from:
73 EUR
73 EUR