Ski resorts close to Potsdam, Germany
Below you will find the ski resorts that are closest to Potsdam as well as the distance. The closest ski resort to Potsdam is Bozi Dar-Neklid and the distance is 222 km. You can also view driving and route descriptions to each ski resort from Potsdam. Note that the distance given is by air and the distance by road is longer.
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Potsdam's 30 closest ski resorts and distance
Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort | Distance by air |
Driving directions and time |
Bozi Dar-Neklid | 222 km | |
Jested | 229 km | |
Bedrichov | 230 km | |
Szklarska Poreba | 244 km | |
Harrachov | 244 km | |
Rokytnice nad Jizerou | 249 km | |
Spindleruv Mlyn | 256 km | |
Pec pod Snezkou | 265 km | |
Zieleniec | 325 km | |
Skiliftkarussell Winterberg | 339 km | |
Zelezna Ruda - Spicak | 360 km | |
Dolní Morava | 362 km | |
Ramzova-Petrikov | 371 km | |
Zadov | 373 km | |
Vallåsen | 443 km | |
Szczyrk | 512 km | |
St Wolfgang | 519 km | |
Kössen | 528 km | |
Hinterstoder | 528 km | |
Annaberg | 530 km | |
Berchtesgadener | 530 km | |
Sudelfeld-Bayrischzell | 531 km | |
Zahmer Kaiser - Walchsee | 532 km | |
Spitzingsee | 533 km | |
Lenggries | 535 km | |
Russbach | 536 km | |
Almenwelt Lofer | 536 km | |
Gosau | 537 km | |
Waidring | 537 km | |
Tauplitz | 542 km |
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.