Book in Zelezna Ruda - Spicak
Here you will find useful information if planning a ski vacation to airports nearby Zelezna Ruda - Spicak, driving directions as well as weather reports, piste facts, ski lifts and a lot more. Zelezna Ruda - Spicak is located in Europe and accessible by both air and road. The season in Zelezna Ruda - Spicak normally starts in up to null.

In Zelezna Ruda - Spicak you will find 8 lifts that have a total lift capacity of 6750 passengers/hour. There are 8 kilometer of groomed pistes in total here, of which 3 kilometer are blue pistes and 3 kilometer are red pistes. The vertical drop is at most 356 meter and the highest served area by the ski lift system is at 1202 meter. The longest piste in Zelezna Ruda - Spicak is 1.8 kilometers.

If skiing is more important than après-ski or resting, you can continue skiing even after the dark has settled as there is access to night skiing in Zelezna Ruda - Spicak. For snowboarders or the more adventurous skiers, there is also access to a fun park, as well as a halfpipe facility.

If you have family members or others in your party who are not interested in down hill skiing, there are cross-country skiing tracks available at a total length of 50 kilometers.

Airports close to Zelezna Ruda - Spicak

If you want to fly to Zelezna Ruda - Spicak the closest airport is Prague-Ruzyne Airport, with a distance of 129 kilometers from the ski resort. Other alternative airports that are possible to fly to are Franz Josef Strauss, Munich (138 kilometers distance), as well as Wolfgang A Mozart, Salzburg (153 kilometers from the ski resort).

Closest ski resorts to Zelezna Ruda - Spicak

Ski resorts near Zelezna Ruda - Spicak include Zadov (32 kilometers distance), Bozi Dar-Neklid (140 kilometers distance) and St Wolfgang (159 kilometers distance).


There are 21 restaurants in Zelezna Ruda - Spicak with 13 different types of kitchens, the most popular being Czech, European and Asian.

Hotel & accommodations

Here you will find in total 118 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Zelezna Ruda - Spicak.
Accommodation with unknown number of stars
99 options
Price/night from:
Accommodation with 3 starsAccommodation with 3 starsAccommodation with 3 stars
11 options
Price/night from:
Accommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 stars
7 options
Price/night from:
87 EUR
Accommodation with 5 starsAccommodation with 5 starsAccommodation with 5 starsAccommodation with 5 starsAccommodation with 5 stars
One option
Price/night from:
44 EUR