Rättviksbacken, Dalarna, Sweden

All in Rättviksbacken
Book in Rättviksbacken
The Swedish ski resort Rättviksbacken is located in the state Dalarna, and you will find here most of the information you might be interested in if you are thinking of going to Rättviksbacken on your next ski trip. The best time of year to ski in Rättviksbacken is during the middle of December to beginning of April.

In Rättviksbacken there are in total 2 ski lifts that serve 9 pistes. The highest point in the ski system is at 372 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 140 meter. The longest piste in Rättviksbacken is 1.2 kilometers.

If downhill skiing isn't your thing, or other in travel company don't like it, there are 17 kilometers of cross-country skiing tracks available for those who needs a good exercise.

Airports close to Rättviksbacken

If you fly to Siljan Airport, Mora you will get really close to Rättviksbacken, as the distance between the airport and the ski resort is only 35 kilometers. Because of the short distance, the transfer time is shorter and the cost is normally lower than when there is a big distance. It is also possible to fly to the airports Dala Airport, Borlänge, which is 54 kilometers away, and Scandinavian Mountains Airport, Rörbäcksnäs, which has a distance of 128 kilometers from Rättviksbacken.

Closest ski resorts to Rättviksbacken

Bjursås is the closest ski resort to Rättviksbacken with a distance of 21 kilometers. Other ski resorts nearby are Gesundaberget, 33 kilometers away, and at 49 kilometers away from Rättviksbacken you will find Orsa Grönklitt.


There are 29 restaurants in Rättviksbacken with 24 different types of kitchens, the most popular being Swedish, European and Bar.

Hotel & accommodations

Here you will find in total 25 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Rättviksbacken.
Accommodation with unknown number of stars
20 options
Price/night from:
31 EUR
Accommodation with 2 starsAccommodation with 2 stars
One option
Price/night from:
74 EUR
Accommodation with 3 starsAccommodation with 3 starsAccommodation with 3 stars
3 options
Price/night from:
74 EUR
Accommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 stars
One option
Price/night from:
79 EUR