Weather and snow conditions in Neustift

Below you find the current snow conditions, snow depth and open status in Neustift.

Do you want to see what it looks like in Neustift right now? We have 7 webcams showing live images in and around Neustift.

Snow conditions and status for Neustift

Snow depth:
15 cm
Snow depth valley:
5 cm
Snow quality:
New snow
Latest snowfall:
20 December
Lifts open:
Pistes open:
Season end:
20 December
Season start:
9 March
Ski resort is open
Half pipe:
Not available
Not available
Night skiing:
Not available

Snow depth previous seasons

Do you want to know how much snow there was previous seasons in Neustift? You can see how the snow depth was per month in recent years, as well as detailed information per week.

Weather report for Neustift

5 day forecast for weather in Neustift. We display the weather forecase on three different altitudes: ski resort, mid-mountain and top of mountain.
Local time in Neustift is 17:52