Ski equipment rental in Hemsedal

Here you will find price lists for all shops with ski hire in Hemsedal. In total, there are 5 different shops here that rent out ski and snowboard equipment. For each store, we show the prices in a table with the cost of renting from half a day up to 14 days. All prices below are shown in Swedish Kronor.

Scroll the price tables sideways if you do not see the entire table.

Hemsedal Ski Shop

The stores address is Skiheisvegen 1, 3560 Hemsedal. You can also see the stores own price list here.

  Ski package Snowboard package
Days Child Youth Standard Medium Premium Child Youth Adult
0.5 100:- 210:- 280:- 330:- 390:- 100:- 225:- 330:-
1 100:- 210:- 280:- 330:- 390:- 100:- 225:- 330:-
2 180:- 330:- 440:- 520:- 620:- 180:- 350:- 530:-
3 260:- 425:- 550:- 660:- 760:- 260:- 450:- 650:-
4 310:- 505:- 630:- 730:- 840:- 310:- 520:- 740:-
5 355:- 570:- 690:- 790:- 930:- 355:- 620:- 810:-
6 395:- 630:- 750:- 870:- 990:- 395:- 680:- 870:-
7 395:- 630:- 750:- 870:- 990:- 395:- 680:- 870:-
8 395:- 630:- 750:- 870:- 990:- 395:- 680:- 870:-
9 455:- 690:- 810:- 930:- 1050:- 455:- 740:- 930:-
10 515:- 750:- 870:- 990:- 1110:- 515:- 800:- 990:-
11 575:- 810:- 930:- 1050:- 1170:- 575:- 860:- 1050:-
12 635:- 870:- 990:- 1110:- 1230:- 635:- 920:- 1110:-
13 695:- 930:- 1050:- 1170:- 1290:- 695:- 980:- 1170:-
14 755:- 990:- 1110:- 1230:- 1350:- 755:- 1040:- 1230:-
You get 10% discount when you prebook online.
  To the shop

Hemsedal Skirental (Tunet Sport)

The stores address is Hemsedalsvegen 2974, 3560 Hemsedal.

  Ski package Snowboard package
Days Child Youth Standard Medium Premium Child Youth Adult
0.5 100:- 220:- 300:- 370:- 420:- - - -
1 100:- 220:- 300:- 370:- 420:- - - -
2 180:- 350:- 460:- 550:- 650:- - - -
3 270:- 470:- 580:- 680:- 790:- - - -
4 320:- 540:- 660:- 770:- 870:- - - -
5 370:- 600:- 710:- 810:- 950:- - - -
6 405:- 650:- 760:- 870:- 1000:- - - -
7 405:- 650:- 760:- 870:- 1000:- - - -
8 470:- 710:- 840:- 950:- 1080:- - - -
9 535:- 770:- 920:- 1030:- 1160:- - - -
10 600:- 830:- 1000:- 1110:- 1240:- - - -
11 665:- 890:- 1080:- 1190:- 1320:- - - -
12 730:- 950:- 1160:- 1270:- 1400:- - - -
13 795:- 1010:- 1240:- 1350:- 1480:- - - -
14 860:- 1070:- 1320:- 1430:- 1560:- - - -
  To the shop

SkiStarshop Hemsedal Alpin

The stores address is Holleskardvegen 45, 3560 Hemsedal.

  Ski package Snowboard package
Days Child Youth Standard Medium Premium Child Youth Adult
0.5 94:- 209:- 286:- 336:- 407:- 94:- 209:- 336:-
1 104:- 248:- 336:- 396:- 490:- 104:- 248:- 396:-
2 198:- 434:- 544:- 688:- 820:- 198:- 434:- 688:-
3 270:- 578:- 764:- 930:- 1094:- 270:- 578:- 930:-
4 310:- 595:- 795:- 930:- 1130:- 310:- 595:- 930:-
5 355:- 645:- 835:- 985:- 1195:- 355:- 665:- 985:-
6 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
7 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
8 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
9 545:- 945:- 1145:- 1355:- 1580:- 545:- 995:- 1355:-
10 545:- 945:- 1145:- 1355:- 1580:- 545:- 995:- 1355:-
11 695:- 1195:- 1395:- 1655:- 1880:- 695:- 1245:- 1655:-
12 695:- 1195:- 1395:- 1655:- 1880:- 695:- 1245:- 1655:-
13 845:- 1445:- 1645:- 1955:- 2180:- 845:- 1495:- 1955:-
14 845:- 1445:- 1645:- 1955:- 2180:- 845:- 1495:- 1955:-
  To the shop

SkiStarshop Hemsedal Skisenter

The stores address is Hemsedal skisenter.

  Ski package Snowboard package
Days Child Youth Standard Medium Premium Child Youth Adult
0.5 94:- 209:- 286:- 336:- 407:- 94:- 209:- 336:-
1 104:- 248:- 336:- 396:- 490:- 104:- 248:- 396:-
2 198:- 434:- 544:- 688:- 820:- 198:- 434:- 688:-
3 270:- 578:- 764:- 930:- 1094:- 270:- 578:- 930:-
4 310:- 595:- 795:- 930:- 1130:- 310:- 595:- 930:-
5 355:- 645:- 835:- 985:- 1195:- 355:- 665:- 985:-
6 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
7 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
8 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
9 545:- 945:- 1145:- 1355:- 1580:- 545:- 995:- 1355:-
10 545:- 945:- 1145:- 1355:- 1580:- 545:- 995:- 1355:-
11 695:- 1195:- 1395:- 1655:- 1880:- 695:- 1245:- 1655:-
12 695:- 1195:- 1395:- 1655:- 1880:- 695:- 1245:- 1655:-
13 845:- 1445:- 1645:- 1955:- 2180:- 845:- 1495:- 1955:-
14 845:- 1445:- 1645:- 1955:- 2180:- 845:- 1495:- 1955:-
  To the shop

SkiStarshop Skarsnuten

The stores address is Skarsnuten Hotell.

  Ski package Snowboard package
Days Child Youth Standard Medium Premium Child Youth Adult
0.5 94:- 209:- 286:- 336:- 407:- 94:- 209:- 336:-
1 104:- 248:- 336:- 396:- 490:- 104:- 248:- 396:-
2 198:- 434:- 544:- 688:- 820:- 198:- 434:- 688:-
3 270:- 578:- 764:- 930:- 1094:- 270:- 578:- 930:-
4 310:- 595:- 795:- 930:- 1130:- 310:- 595:- 930:-
5 355:- 645:- 835:- 985:- 1195:- 355:- 665:- 985:-
6 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
7 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
8 395:- 695:- 895:- 1055:- 1280:- 395:- 745:- 1055:-
9 545:- 945:- 1145:- 1355:- 1580:- 545:- 995:- 1355:-
10 545:- 945:- 1145:- 1355:- 1580:- 545:- 995:- 1355:-
11 695:- 1195:- 1395:- 1655:- 1880:- 695:- 1245:- 1655:-
12 695:- 1195:- 1395:- 1655:- 1880:- 695:- 1245:- 1655:-
13 845:- 1445:- 1645:- 1955:- 2180:- 845:- 1495:- 1955:-
14 845:- 1445:- 1645:- 1955:- 2180:- 845:- 1495:- 1955:-
  To the shop
Please note that takes no responsibility for the prices being correct. Also note that some stores have several different levels of packages and in order to get a correct comparison we have generalized the levels, and that the definition of ages for children and youth can differ between different stores. Always verify all information before you make a booking with a store.