Feel like trying out the skiing in Tahko? Here you will find weather reports, piste facts and ski resorts close to Tahko as well as maps and driving directions to Tahko.

Here you will find 23 ski slopes and 14 ski lifts. The longest piste in Tahko is 1.2 kilometers.

If you have family members or others in your party who are not interested in down hill skiing, there are cross-country skiing tracks available at a total length of 60 kilometers.

Closest ski resorts to Tahko

The ski resort Koli is the nearest ski resort, the distance from Tahko is 91 kilometers.


There are 19 restaurants in Tahko with 15 different types of kitchens, the most popular being European, Scandinavian and Bar.

Hotel & accommodations

Here you will find in total 47 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Tahko.
6 options
Price/night from:
89 EUR
One option
Price/night from:
89 EUR
16 options
Price/night from:
68 EUR
18 options
Price/night from:
85 EUR
6 options
Price/night from:
63 EUR

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