Book in Saint-Michel-de-Chaillol

Restaurants in Saint-Michel-de-Chaillol

Here you find 2 restaurants in and around Saint-Michel-de-Chaillol. All restaurants here are rated by the restaurant's guests, and are sorted from highest to lowest rating.

In Saint-Michel-de-Chaillol you find food from 3 different kitchen: French, Pizza, Fast Food.

39 avenue de Soleil Boeuf, 05260 Saint-Michel-de-Chaillol France
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating
22 Avenue Soleil Beouf Brasserie de Serre poncon Apex Chorges les mercredis, 05260 Saint-Michel-de-Chaillol France
Fast food, price level: $
Fast Food
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating