Restaurants in Nanshan Ski Resort
Here you find 24 restaurants in and around Nanshan Ski Resort. All restaurants here are rated by the restaurant's guests, and are sorted from highest to lowest rating.
In Nanshan Ski Resort you find food from 13 different kitchen: Chinese, Fast Food, Pizza, Japanese, Barbecue, Asian, Korean, Cafe, Seafood, Yunnan, Bar, Pub, Taiwanese.
No.CC18 Store, 1G/F, Dongfang Xintiandi Square, No.1 East of Chang'an Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing China
Price level: $$ - $$$
1 Dongchang'an Jie Chongwén, Beijing China
Fast Food
GuLou East Avenue, ShanShui Mansion 1-2 Floor, Beijing China
MiYunXian Xin NanLu 46-3 Hao Hua Guan DaSha, Beijing China