Mount Buffalo, Australia
Interested in ski holidays to Mount Buffalo? Here you will e.g. find information on ski slopes, weather conditions and maps. In case you feel like going to Mount Buffalo from Europe you need to go by air as Mount Buffalo is on another continent. The best time of year to ski in Mount Buffalo is during the June to October.
The highest point in the ski system is at 1660 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 175 meter.
If downhill skiing isn't your thing, or other in travel company don't like it, there are 35 kilometers of cross-country skiing tracks available for those who needs a good exercise.
The highest point in the ski system is at 1660 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 175 meter.
If downhill skiing isn't your thing, or other in travel company don't like it, there are 35 kilometers of cross-country skiing tracks available for those who needs a good exercise.