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Book in Lech / Zürs
Airports close to Lech / Zürs
If you are looking for flights to Lech / Zürs you can find the nearest airports here. Click on the airport name to read more about the airport. Click on the car icon to view driving directions from the airport to Lech / Zürs
St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport, Altenrhein
- distance 54 km
Allgäu Airport/Memmingen, Memmingen
- distance 87 km
Kranebitten, Innsbruck
- distance 91 km
Bolzano Airport, Bolzano
- distance 123 km
Zürich International Airport, Zurich
- distance 123 km
Remember that...
- Not all airports have flights from your hometown or nearest airport, click on the airport name to see if you can fly directly there
- The nearest airport is not necessarily the fastest to get to by shuttle, car or train. The shortest driving time indicates it is the best suited airport
- Please note that distances from the airports are by air and the driving distance will be longer.