Kvitfjell, Norway
Ski resort is open
Book in Kvitfjell
All the information you need to plan your ski holiday to Kvitfjell, such as weather reports, ski slopes, highest vertical drop etc. Kvitfjell is located in the Nordics and is accessible by car. The skiing season in Kvitfjell usually starts in start November to end April.
It is currently open for skiing in Kvitfjell and the current snow depth on the slopes is 75 centimeters. 97% of slopes are currently open for skiing, and 92% of the lifts are operating.
Kvitfjell has 14 ski lifts and 39 kilometer pistes in total. The vertical drop is at most 847 meter and the highest served area by the ski lift system is at 1032 meter. The longest piste in Kvitfjell is 3.5 kilometers.
Do you like to sleeping in in the morning? No problem, in Kvitfjell there is the possibility of night skiing, so you will still get your fair share of skiing if you like. Other alternatives to skiing or snowboarding on the slopes are to try the fun park and halfpipe facilities in Kvitfjell.
In case some of you feel like doing some Nordic skiing, Kvitfjell holds 600 kilometers of prepared tracks for doing that.
It is currently open for skiing in Kvitfjell and the current snow depth on the slopes is 75 centimeters. 97% of slopes are currently open for skiing, and 92% of the lifts are operating.
Kvitfjell has 14 ski lifts and 39 kilometer pistes in total. The vertical drop is at most 847 meter and the highest served area by the ski lift system is at 1032 meter. The longest piste in Kvitfjell is 3.5 kilometers.
Do you like to sleeping in in the morning? No problem, in Kvitfjell there is the possibility of night skiing, so you will still get your fair share of skiing if you like. Other alternatives to skiing or snowboarding on the slopes are to try the fun park and halfpipe facilities in Kvitfjell.
In case some of you feel like doing some Nordic skiing, Kvitfjell holds 600 kilometers of prepared tracks for doing that.
Airports close to Kvitfjell
If you want to fly to Kvitfjell the closest airport is Scandinavian Mountains Airport, Rörbäcksnäs, with a distance of 149 kilometers from the ski resort. It is also possible to fly to Sogndal Airport. From this airport it is about 164 kilometers to Kvitfjell.Closest ski resorts to Kvitfjell
Other ski resorts near Kvitfjell are, for example, Skeikampen which is 15 kilometers away, Gålå which is 19 kilometers away and Hafjell (Lillehammer) which is at 31 kilometers distance from Kvitfjell.Restaurants
There are 9 restaurants in Kvitfjell with 10 different types of kitchens, the most popular being European, Norwegian and Scandinavian.Hotel & accommodations
Here you will find in total 9 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Kvitfjell.6 options
Price/night from:
66 EUR
66 EUR
One option
Price/night from:
One option
Price/night from:
106 EUR
106 EUR
One option
Price/night from: