Idre Himmelfjäll, Sweden

All in Idre Himmelfjäll
Book in Idre Himmelfjäll
The ski resort Idre Himmelfjäll is located in Sweden, and if you are interested in going here, you will find the information you are looking for here.

Idre Himmelfjäll has 8 ski lifts and 18 pistes in total. The longest piste in Idre Himmelfjäll is 3.2 kilometers.

In case some of you feel like doing some Nordic skiing, Idre Himmelfjäll holds 84 kilometers of prepared tracks for doing that.

Airports close to Idre Himmelfjäll

For those of you who want to fly to Idre Himmelfjäll the nearest airport is Scandinavian Mountains Airport, Rörbäcksnäs. The distance from this airport to Idre Himmelfjäll is 83 kilometers. Other alternative airports that are possible to fly to are Siljan Airport, Mora (139 kilometers distance), as well as Åre Östersund Airport (169 kilometers from the ski resort).

Closest ski resorts to Idre Himmelfjäll

Not far from Idre Himmelfjäll is the ski resort Idre, the distance is only 3 kilometers. Other nearby ski resorts are Fjätervålen (12 kilometers) and Grövelsjön (33 kilometers).


There are 1 restaurants in Idre Himmelfjäll with 2 different types of kitchens, the most popular being Swedish and European.

Hotel & accommodations

Here you will find in total 17 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Idre Himmelfjäll.
Accommodation with unknown number of stars
16 options
Price/night from:
120 EUR
Accommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 starsAccommodation with 4 stars
One option
Price/night from: