Restaurants in Arcalís-Ordino

Here you find 3 restaurants in and around Arcalís-Ordino. All restaurants here are rated by the restaurant's guests, and are sorted from highest to lowest rating.

In Arcalís-Ordino you find food from 3 different kitchen: European, Fast Food, Spanish.

Refugi Les Portelles , Camp de Neu Ordino-Arcalis, El Serrat AD300 Andorra
Price level: $$ - $$$
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating
3 Carretera General Estacion de Esqui Ordino Arcalis, El Serrat AD300 Andorra
Price level: $$ - $$$
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating
Ctra d'Arcalis, El Serrat AD300 Andorra
Price level: $$ - $$$
Fast Food
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating