Ski resorts close to Valjevo, Serbia
Below you will find the ski resorts that are closest to Valjevo as well as the distance. The closest ski resort to Valjevo is Jahorina and the distance is 121 km. You can also view driving and route descriptions to each ski resort from Valjevo. Note that the distance given is by air and the distance by road is longer.
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Valjevo's 30 closest ski resorts and distance
Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort | Distance by air |
Driving directions and time |
Jahorina | 121 km | |
Kopaonik | 132 km | |
Bjelasnica | 142 km | |
Vlasic | 184 km | |
Kupres | 218 km | |
Brezovica | 250 km | |
Popova Sapka | 263 km | |
Mavrovo - Zare Lazarevski | 301 km | |
Vitosha | 334 km | |
Zagreb (Mount Sljeme) | 359 km | |
Borovets | 374 km | |
Dobogóko Sícentrum | 391 km | |
Bansko | 399 km | |
Visegradi-Hegyseg | 399 km | |
Bjelolasica | 400 km | |
Kaimaktsalan | 405 km | |
Matra | 406 km | |
Mariborsko Pohorje (Maribor) | 419 km | |
Bükk (Bankút) | 429 km | |
Rogla | 431 km | |
3-5 Pigadia | 438 km | |
Platak | 439 km | |
Seli | 449 km | |
Busteni | 463 km | |
Sinaia | 463 km | |
Azuga | 467 km | |
Predeal | 469 km |
driving time about 8 hours 57 mins
Poiana Brasov | 470 km | |
Krvavec | 476 km | |
Pamporovo | 488 km |
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.