Ski resorts close to Irákleio, Greece
Below you will find the ski resorts that are closest to Irákleio as well as the distance. The closest ski resort to Irákleio is Kalavryta and the distance is 395 km. You can also view driving and route descriptions to each ski resort from Irákleio. Note that the distance given is by air and the distance by road is longer.
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Irákleio's 30 closest ski resorts and distance
Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort | Distance by air |
Driving directions and time |
Kalavryta | 395 km | |
Kelaria (Parnassos) | 422 km | |
Saklikent (Antalya) | 496 km | |
Uludag | 635 km | |
Seli | 640 km |
driving time about 14 hours 35 mins
3-5 Pigadia | 651 km | |
Kaimaktsalan | 684 km | |
Pamporovo | 703 km |
driving time about 19 hours 3 mins
Mount Olympus (Troodos) | 704 km | |
Bansko | 735 km | |
Borovets | 782 km | |
Mavrovo - Zare Lazarevski | 798 km | |
Vitosha | 824 km | |
Kartalkaya | 826 km | |
Popova Sapka | 828 km | |
Brezovica | 840 km | |
Elmadag | 849 km | |
Mount Etna Linguaglossa | 934 km | |
Mount Etna Nicolosi | 938 km | |
Kopaonik | 958 km | |
Ilgaz | 984 km | |
Mzaar (Faraya) | 987 km | |
Laqlouq | 988 km | |
Zaarour | 988 km | |
Erciyes | 989 km | |
Mount Hermon Ski Resort | 1002 km | |
Cedars | 1005 km | |
Jahorina | 1090 km | |
Bjelasnica | 1100 km | |
Sinaia | 1111 km |
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.