A season in the Alps

The attraction power of the Alps is hard to deny. Once you have gotten fascinated by the skiing, the night life or the nature you will want to visit the area over and over again. Some skiers really don't want to let go and staying for a season in the Alps is actually possible for most.

People from all over the world choose to stay for a long period of time in the Alps. For skiers who are very well off, that is no problem, but most people don't have the financial resources to pay for months and months of lodging, food and ski pass. One option is to pick a job, one that does not require too much effort and time so you still have time left for skiing and partying. It can be a bit challenging to find one if you don't have any kind of contacts, but it shouldn't really be harder than finding a similar job back home.

Working in the Alps

Naturally, there are many job openings within tourism. Experienced skiers with some pedagogical skills can find work as a ski or snowboard instructor. Those jobs are generally most difficult to get as there are so many talented skiers around. If you have passed a ski instructor's exam and can show a diploma, it would be considerably easier. Restaurants, cafées and bars offer job openings that would be easier to get.

Bartender in action
A high proportion of the staff often consists of people who have come to stay only for the season. Bartender jobs are generally the most attractive within this niche, as they are prone to get higher tips as well as time off for skiing during the day. If you are willing to take on a job as a kitchen help or cleaner, it would be fairly easy to find a job. If you have an open mind and some patience, you can always find a job opening somewhere in the Alps.

Preparations are key

Most who decide to come and stay in the Alps for a period of time will search for a job once they run out of money. Nevertheless, it will usually pay off to have a backup plan. First of all, you should have some spare money in case it takes time to find work. A rule of thumb is to always keep enough cash to be able to purchase a flight ticket back home. A CV in English will definitely be of good help. If you manage to get it translated into French and German, it's even better. Also, keep in mind that some countries will require that you have a work permit that you need to apply for in advance, depending on where you want to work and what your nationality is.