Book train
Travelling by train is a very nice and relaxing way of travelling, not to mention environmentally friendly. Depending on your destination, several European ski resorts can be more convenient to reach by train than by air and road.Some ski resorts are also quite easily accessed via Auto Zug - a train/car ride where you embark the train in Hamburg and park the car on a trailer behind the train. You sleep on the train and arrive at your destination in the morning and you are ready to drive the last hours to the ski resort. If you live in northern Europe, it is a convenient way to travel.
In the morning you arrive at for instance Lörrach in southern Germany, right on the Swiss border, Salzburg, Munich or Innsbruck.
Search and book AutoZug
Travelling to the Alps by train
Go to sleep in northern Europé and wake up to snow-covered mountains outside of your window. You will love it! Travelling by train is comfortable, fun and convenient. You can bring a lot of luggage and you can read, rest and enjoy your travel company en route.Try these web sites if you would like more information about European railroads:
Search and book Interrail tickets
DB Deutsche Bahn
Trains in Sweden
Sweden is a very nice country to visit and to travel in by rail. The railroad system covers most parts of Sweden and you can reach several famous ski resorts by train.Search and book Swedish rail
Norwegian Rail roads
Plan to go skiing in Norway? Trains are a very convenient way of travelling in Norway, when they run. NSB offers all trains.Search and book train in Norway
Rail roads in Canada or USA
Some people think that the US and Canada only offers Greyhound coaches, but that really isn't the case. The rail road system is quite well developed and a very competitive option to travelling by coach.Search and book train in Canada
Search and book train in the USA